PRO HN is an organic-mineral fertilizer produced from vegetable peat (source of organic matter) and mineral nutrients essential for the growth and development of plants. Its most particular characteristic is to provide humic substances from organic matter, such as humic acids, fulvic acids and humins. These substances stimulate the production of natural plant hormones and are carriers of nutrients to the plants, facilitating their absorption and translocation. 


- Improves plant nutrition.
- Faster recovery from stress conditions.
- More vigorous and resistant plants.
- Greater uniformity.
- Increased yields.


Soy, Beans and Peanuts 1.0–2.0 L/100 L
of water
1.0–2.0 L/ha 15–20 days after budding, pre-flowering and start of pod development of leaves
Corn and Sorghum 15–20 days after budding, pre-flowering and post-flowering
Rice and wheat tillering and busing
Cotton and Leguminous Plants 30 days after budding, pre and
Citrus pre and post-flowering and
start of fruiting
Grasses 30 days after budding
Coffee 1.0–1.5 L/100 L
of water
1.0–1.5 L/ha pre and post-flowering and start of fruiting of leaves
Strawberries 50–100mL/100 L of water 2.0–4L/ha or 0.5–1.0 L/10 thousand plants Every two weeks after transplanting Soil/Leafy
Sugar Cane 10.0 L/100 L of water 10 L/ha cane planting groove soil
mechanical cultivation of cane roots in cane stumps
Leafy greens in general 100–150 mL/100 L of water 100–150 mL/ha weekly after transplanting/germination of leaves
Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower
Tomatoes and Peppers
Resistant tomatoes 1.0 L/ 100 L
of water
1L/ha every two weeks after transplanting of leaves
Potato 1.5–2.0 L/100 L
of water
1.5–2 L/ha 15–20 days after budding, pre-flowering
and post-flowering
of leaves
Garlic, Onions, Chives and Carrots 100–150 mL/100 L of water 100–150 mL/ha every two weeks after germination of leaves
Apple, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Mango and Peach pre and post-flowering and start of fruiting
Grape 100–200 mL/100 L of water 100–200 mL/ha pre and post-flowering, start of fruiting and after harvesting of leaves
Flowers and Ornamental plants 50–100 mL/100 L of water 50–100 mL/ha weekly after transplanting/germination of leaves
Seedlings in general 100–150 mL/100 L of water 100–150 mL/ha weekly after germination of leaves
Eucalyptus 3.0–4.0 L/100 L
of water
3–4 L/ha after planting soil/leafy

*Note 1: Combined use with Gel Hydroplan-EB allows PRO HN to be provided more slowly for plants, avoiding losses through run-offs or leaching.

*Note 2: Combined use with HB10 reduces losses due to leaching and may increase efficiency of the product and of irrigation.